Advanced Oboe Students, Step Nine- Articulation
Step Nine- Articulation
One of the most important aspects of oboe performance that separates the quality of oboe performances is articulation. The starting and stopping of a note at a specific dynamic level allows the oboist to change the sound color of the music dramatically. As an advanced oboe performer you cannot just have three articulations-staccato, legato and accent. There needs to be different types of staccato sounds, different types, of legato sounds and different types of accent sounds depending on the demands of the music composition.
Listen to a number of the best oboists in the world and you will hear unique articulation that is evidenced at the start of each note. Combining articulation with dynamics gives the advanced oboist every opportunity to express his musicality with a wide variety of sound color. This requires long hours of practicing and being very comfortable and relaxed about performing with lots of different sound colors which makes the music so much more interesting to the listener.
Daily practice to establish at first three different types of staccato sounds, legato sounds, and accented sounds. Is a start in the right direction. Combine this with your practice of dynamic range from one to nine to one and you will improve the quality of your performance immediately.
Obviously, a good reed is required as well as good breathing. With daily practice your endurance with the above and your ability to demonstrate more contrasting sound colors will bring you much joy and happiness as an advanced oboe performer.